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Showing posts from November, 2019

Life Changing Family

First Camp with the 4:30 crew. 12/04/2017 The biggest gain I can admit that I have had since I joined Burn Boot Camp-Asheville  is the life changing family. They become the reason you show up every day to push yourself to be the better version of yourself for success of your goals. The people standing around you believing more in yourself than you do that cheer you on even if you are the final person doing an exercise because they want to see your successes too. The people saying that you are able and going to do something that you really do not even want to attempt because you have this fear of failure, but they know that you need to be pushed beyond your limits to get stronger. My first thought when I was considering Burn was the judgement. You know the typical society judgement whispers about the obese girl that is in the gym?  I did not want to experience that rejection with the whispers. Some of those whispers of "why is she here," "She shouldn't be wear...

How My Journey Began

In July 2016, I was in the deepest depression I had ever been in. I would literally come home, sit on the couch and go to sleep. I would have someone make dinner and bring me a plate of food. I would not go to the store or get out anywhere that I had to walk any amount of distances. I would literally fall asleep sitting with people that came to visit. I would eat an unhealthy amount of calories and endless amounts of fast food as often as possible. I would sit more than anything at my job.  There was a phrase said to me that forever opened my eyes: "You are going to die." The follow up information about how my son was going to have no mother if I continued down this path was just as impacting. The fact I would miss him even making it to high school let alone seeing him graduate, get married, have children or any other success he might have along the way because I was going to die. I was killing myself slowly with food, unhealthy living habits and depression with anxi...

And we begin

I have been encouraged to begin to document my journey for the last few months. My friends have mentioned maybe a book some day. Since I am in no way ready for a book, but think that documenting is important, I am going to start here with this little blog. I am going to be completely transparent and share that I have tried to do this before. I was fairly successful with writing updates and maintaining the blog, but the content was not as meaningful as I am sure it is now. Please bear with me as I begin this blog, figure out the content of which I want to share publicly to the world and adjust to being consistent with this. Overall, the purpose of this blog will be to document my journey not only for myself, but my support family as well. The other purpose I would like to see this blog used for is reaching other people. Any journey of self reflection and self improvement is mentally, emotionally and physically demanding. Therefore, having the knowledge that you are not alone. The...