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Life Changing Family

First Camp with the 4:30 crew. 12/04/2017

The biggest gain I can admit that I have had since I joined Burn Boot Camp-Asheville is the life changing family. They become the reason you show up every day to push yourself to be the better version of yourself for success of your goals. The people standing around you believing more in yourself than you do that cheer you on even if you are the final person doing an exercise because they want to see your successes too. The people saying that you are able and going to do something that you really do not even want to attempt because you have this fear of failure, but they know that you need to be pushed beyond your limits to get stronger.

My first thought when I was considering Burn was the judgement. You know the typical society judgement whispers about the obese girl that is in the gym?  I did not want to experience that rejection with the whispers. Some of those whispers of "why is she here," "She shouldn't be wearing that," "She's doing that wrong, " etc. Those whispers are what typically keep obese people or people that need to better themselves from ever stepping foot in the gym. Although, you would think that as as an obese person with that much courage to walk in to a gym would be encouraged to become the definition of brave, beautiful and strong. However, those definitions are far too different in the eyes of many members of society. They are also the reason that obesity continues to be an epidemic in this world. The people who are placing the false definitions of beauty, strength and bravery are exactly why the society needs more kindness.

Halloween 2019 with some of the best friends I never thought I would have. Front: Blake; Middle L-R: Caitlyn, Anna, me, Sandra, Yamini Back: L-R: Teresa, Michelle, Jennifer, Keilani, Sara, Cate

To my surprise, I immediately found a family at Burn Boot Camp-Asheville. From the staff to the first burn sister I ever made named Sara. Sara and I will forever hold a special connection because of the start of our journey together. Sara is my "day one." To those unsure of what that exactly means is that she and I met the day of orientation. We were given an assignment to exchange phone numbers with one person in the room to hold them accountable for the week to keep them coming back to the gym. Fate led me to be next to Sara that day. She was also going to be attending the same camp time as me (4:30). We instantly clicked and began to correspond. To this day, she is sincerely my bestest friend. The realest person that holds me accountable and calls me on my excuses. She is also an inspiration with her determination, patience, busy life, mom skills, and the list grows on. I know when I walk away from anywhere she might be if one negative thing is said about me, she will have my back. I do not have to worry about those whispers ever with her around. On a humorous side note, she adds some healthy competition when we are using the weights for chest press and arms.

My Day One, Sara.

The other family I have gained along this process has been nothing less than Sara. I look around the room so many days and just feel an overwhelming amount of gratitude. Being accepted, loved, supported and inspired by a room full of people of all fitness levels has been so humbling. I get to workout with some of the most beautiful people I have ever met in my entire life. The people that will do your firsts with you even if they are out of their comfort zone (5ks, hip hop cardio, axe throwing, etc). The people that will walk sprints with you because they know you can do them, but need that support to not quit on yourself. The people that cheer you on when you are the last person doing an exercise, run or rep that is a personal record (PR) to give you that extra boost of adrenaline to get it done. That is not even counting the endless amount of cheers, high fives, and support when you are hitting goals that you have set forth for yourself with weight loss.
First 5k with strong, beautiful, and fit family, Shelley and Melissa. 09/28/2019
Even though I might not be on their level of fit, my family will walk beside me with their head higher than anyone in this world due to our relationship that is built on so much more than just the physical appearance of one another. The relationships are built off of trust, confidence, acceptance, support, and most importantly love. The people I have met at Burn Boot Camp have all loved me for me. I am forever grateful for learning what true friendship is, but I am even more humbled to gain a family that accepts me.

Thank you, family. Thank you for renewing my confidence and showing me that whispers will never be a problem when I sit at your table.

Next Up....What are the trainers really like?


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